Monday, March 12, 2007


Something is terribly, terribly wrong. I'm feeling suicidal. I had all sorts of fantasies last night of ways of just ending it. I spent a bunch of time staring at a serrated knife that I'd used to cut open a dragon fruit. Also, a bottle of ibuprofen that I just bought was pretty attractive.
Doug was a pussy and didn't come to the performance, and I'm really tired. Like, just exhausted by the prospect of hoping for romantic love in my life. However, I'm concerned by the fact that this leads to me thinking of making like a Christmas tree or spraying blood all over my leaky kitchen or going all grey and doughy in my bathtub or becoming severely anti-inflamed via a bottle of Advil.
I should maybe talk with someone. Or maybe seriously think of mood stabilising drugs.

Jesus Mattie. Having those thoughts is, I think, pretty normal for people of strong artistic temperaments because we feel things deeply and therefore tend to respond big (look at the motto of your industry: Go big or go home!) but don't you dare even think those things for real, especially over something as stupidly trivial as some idiot boy. If you spend the rest of your life single (of which the odds are nil), you will still be surrounded by a whole crowd of people who love you intensely and unconditionally - don't forget about us because society has defined what love is (and it involves diamonds and no-expense-spared holidays in the Caribbean). You're better than that and you know it.

And don't you dare do anything without talking to me first. Call me collect. I'll email you my phone number.
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